
Night supper :D

So hi! I just get back from a night supper with cikgu azman, harith, azwan and my sister alin. Minum minum jap dekat bawah sembang sembang semua hehe, well you know after this we'll go with our seperate ways, tah bila lagi boleh jumpa cikgu azman, harith, azwan and others kan? So we talked about ipta, about furthering our studies and all. And cikgu azman gave me lots of supports, same goes to harith. I was like "takutla, takutla bla bla bla" and harith said, "kau boleh la rose, takde masalah la kau" hm insyaallah i can. Cikgu azman cakap budak lepasan matriks akaun memang ramai yang nak ke degree, and because of that, they set up this one high pointer so that only the selected one with the good pointer can further their study in degree. I wanted to be somewhere in korea or any other countries. I'm proud of my other friends though. Harith masuk foundation kat UM, puteri foundation kat USM, azaree masuk UIA, and others, wah my friends are so amazing! I'm going to do my best. With all the supports and sayings they'd gave to me, insyaallah i can. Thank you cikgu, thank you mak abah, thank you guys, thank you love! x

My hand is the only monopod we've got tonight aha 

Good night guys, last day kerja esok yessss! Assalamualaikum :)