
Hari raya celebration in kmpp!! :)))

Hellllooooooooooooo people. Today me and the others really had so much fun on our silang budaya day which is actually the day of our hari raya celebration!! We started around 10 but of course we took almost 2 hours preparing our tent with all the decorations but me erm i only came down exactly before the jamuan started!!! I'm such a bad classmates isn't? But hey i do involved with their preparations in the ROOM aha, well i was so busy weaving the ketupat before i came down. We really had so many foods and menu's just now, i can't even finish it all. Feelin like wanna thrown up somehow. We spent our time wisely with all the jokes and laughs, photo shooting, went to others tent and tried their food. It was so much fun! Really. Wathcing nana and syafiq bersanding just now, haha how cute. Siap akad nikah bagai. Omg i lupa to take the video from them. One of the memories i will never forget, only this time and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna miss all this moments. A4P09&10 forevah!!! :)))