
Um erm uh

It has been almost 4 months since my first day i came here wow how fast the time flies isn't? I just finished my UPS, well it's something like first trial examination and erm it goes well but erm some of the subjects erm you know erm not-so-well urgh i freaking hate that subject like soooooooooooooooooooooo damn much!!!!! I'd missed my family so much, and home, um yeah i always do. There's about three months left before my final examination for this first semester and i'll be having a-not-so-long sem break which is only TWO WEEKS?!?!?!?!? like who deserve two weeks sem break doh? Pft how sad but who cares, i'll only be here for less than a year and i'll be graduated-not-so-graduated around next april yehuuu!!!! and i'll be leaving this penang ahhhhhh can't waitttttt!!! Speaking about my new life here, urm well i do enjoy some of the moments here and the other times all i ever think is going home which makes me so sad that i'm not in mood to do almost everything *homesick* :((((( eventhough i've stayed in hostel before. And about the latest hot shining moment of my college happened about last week where there's case involving this one creepy stupid stories brought by erm i don't know, maybe some of the short thinking people said that there's orang minyak in my college! How funny is that. It just about those robbers came out from nowhere stealing phones and money and it end up became this one ghost stories that able to make like the whole college afraid of everything including me and it's happened a day before my UPS pfttttttttttttttttttttttttt. *conclusion, should not trust something that not so sure easily, just dont!

till here then, toodles